Praise FM Support

Praise FM is already broadcasting on the internet 24 /7 and we are hoping to start broadcasting on the FM Bandwidth in 2017. 

Different ways of supporting.

Prayer - We need to cover this whole venture in prayer as we go through the application process, build the studio and then start broadcasting to the community. If you send an email to us with your contact information (by using the email system on this website) We will send you regular information and prayer updates to keep your prayers focused. 

Participation - Now we have built the radio station studios we need a team of volunteers to help with different aspects of the radio ministry. 

We will need a minimum of 20 voluntary hours to set up schedules. download songs and shows, send out emails and return any pastoral phone calls. So if 10 people volunteer that means people would only have to give 2 hours a week to make this radio station ministry happen. 

Alongside of this we will be looking for people with technical skills in computers, media, social networking and music. As well as people willing to host programs, and those with gifts of administration. 


Partner - We are looking for financial partners who will be willing to give a certain amount each month toward the running costs of the station. Please contact Pastor Rob tel: 902 270-3430 if you are interested in finding out more about partnering or fill in the form provided below.

We suggest:- 

Individual Support - $50 a month - 

Benefits include regular emails highlighting the ministry of Praise FM and up and coming events. 

A personal invite to the free partnership meal once a year.

Church Support - $100 a month - 

Benefits - regular promotion of your church events, outreach and interviews with ministry leaders to keep the community up to date with what your church are doing. 

A regular announcement broadcasted on the radio that "You are a Partnering Church helping Praise FM share the gospel of Jesus Christ in Cape Breton and in the wider world.

The broadcasting of your Sunday sermons on a rota basis on a Sunday or at another time during the week. (must meet broadcasting regulations to qualify) 

We will design a sound promo to promote your church from 20sec - 1 minute that will be played once a day. 

Church listing on the Praise FM website stating that you are a supporting church and also driving traffic to your own website by a link to your church website.  

Business Sponsorship $150 a month

Benefits - Include the sponsorship of one daily show. Your business with tag line will be announced as the sponsoring business behind the show. 

Example.. " The News Centre is sponsored by Le'baigue Fires - Keeping you warm through the winter months."   

There will also be a regular announcement that your business is a financial partner with Praise FM.

We will design a promo for your business highlighting who you are and that you are a proud sponsor of Praise FM

Your business and website will be included on the Praise FM website which will be the main portal by which people listen to the radio station online. 

To make a donation to the setting up costs of Praise FM please address your cheque to Faith Baptist and put in the tagline Radio Station Ministry.