Praise FM is already broadcasting on the internet 24 /7 and we are hoping to start broadcasting on the FM Bandwidth in 2017.
Different ways of supporting.
Prayer - We need to cover this whole venture in prayer as we go through the application process, build the studio and then start broadcasting to the community. If you send an email to us with your contact information (by using the email system on this website) We will send you regular information and prayer updates to keep your prayers focused.
Participation - Now we have built the radio station studios we need a team of volunteers to help with different aspects of the radio ministry.
We will need a minimum of 20 voluntary hours to set up schedules. download songs and shows, send out emails and return any pastoral phone calls. So if 10 people volunteer that means people would only have to give 2 hours a week to make this radio station ministry happen.
Alongside of this we will be looking for people with technical skills in computers, media, social networking and music. As well as people willing to host programs, and those with gifts of administration.